Walking into history

Audiowalks are a great way to learn about Western Australia’s history while exercising, and easy to use! Simply download the free MP3 to your device, go to the section of the path marked as the beginning of the walk, press play and follow the directions from there. You will be asked to move to identifiable landmarks and listen to an account of the social and natural history associated with that site.

Cemetery Tales

The Coogee Audio Walks

Stirling Audiowalks

The Point Walter Audiowalk

The Goolugatup Audiowalk

The Swan Audiowalks

The Fremantle Audiowalk

The Vic Park Audiowalks

The South Perth Audiowalk

If you haven’t seen her, you have no doubt heard narrator MONICA MAIN. She is a local actor with over thirty years experience in theatre, film and radio. Monica has won awards for Rest@The East Perth Cemetery at the 2019 Fringeworld, and The Equity Guild Award for services to the WA Professional Performing Arts Industry.

Writer/producer JOHN TOOHEY is an award winning writer who has published books and articles on history and photography. Having gained an Honours degree in History at UWA, he lived in several countries, picking up an M.A in Art History along the way. His friends find his enthusiasm for old Kodak Brownie cameras tiresome.